Change, Grow, Live (CGL) Sunderland
Alcohol Awareness week 1 July 2024
As you may already know it is Alcohol Awareness Week w/c 1st July. The focus this year is on ‘reducing Alcohol Related Harm’.
We would love to invite you along to one of our 3 hubs to find out more about our treatment offer and how we work with the people accessing our service to reduce harm and improve their lives.
Our partners in Sunderland are so important in making sure the people they work with are aware of the service and how we can support them in achieving their goals. I am sure you will find the evening helpful and informative. Our staff should be able to answer any questions you have on the open evening about our service. We also hope this event will be a fantastic Networking opportunity.
We would love it if you were able to share the invite with your staff and other professionals you feel would benefit from attending.
If you have any questions or would like to know more then please get in touch.
Laura Jones
Community Pharmacy Liaison Lead
M: 07919666940
T: 0800 234 6798
May 2024 Professional’s Newsletter
Message from CGL:
‘Naloxone is a life-saving medicine which works by reversing the effects of opioid overdoses. As a community, we aim to make sure naloxone is widely accessible to all who may need it. Wear Recovery are looking for more pharmacies to offer take-home naloxone and provide training on how to administer to those at risk or in contact . Pharmacies will be paid per kit dispensed. If your pharmacy is interested in dispensing naloxone, please contact Laura Jones on