Sunderland Training events/resources

Please see the invitation below and the attached poster from Wear Recovery. Please rsvp to Kate McCallum at Although the sessions start at 5pm they are drop in sessions rather than formal events, so you are welcome to attend whenever you can get there following closing time.

Invitation to service open evenings

Please find attached a poster reflecting the dates, times and venues of our service open evenings. 

The purpose of the open evening is to get together as professionals to discuss our service, in particular the opiate team, and bridge the gap between our services. We will touch upon our service as a whole, our prescribing processes, how to refer and suitability for support, treatment options, amongst other things. 

You will have the chance to talk to our Recovery Coordinators who work with patients throughout their recovery journey, members of our harm reduction team and team managers for any of your logistical needs. 

With this in mind, we aim to provide a seamless care package for our clients/patients who access multi-agency services throughout Sunderland. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on the below email and I will get back you as soon as possible. 

I look forward to meeting with you all. 

**Please RSVP as soon as possible so we have a rough idea of numbers, and let me know which evening you will be attending**